i'm simply a 16 year old girl trying to get somewhere in life. i've got quite a mind i've been told. i may not post as much as i'd like to but there's always something worth reading on here, guaranteed.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sour Cream & Onion Chips. [010310]

man these chips are good lol. they're my favorite chips of all times. yes i'm a lay's addict.<3 but i also love hot fries! you guys know what to get me now hahahaha.

well today i spent the day at home.. doing nothing but chores. yelling at my brother. and juss sitting being lazy. and tmrw i have a buncha appts for like my health. blahh. and then a soccer game to go to.
let's see how that goes..

and well again, i've been thinking. yesterday my mom yelled at me and made me cry. and today she acts like nothing happened. asking me how she looks and stuff. like you care what i think now? how about last night? no? i would love it if you could consider me a little ma, i do have feelings too ya know.
but i guess not. apparently nothing happens and i didn't get hurt. i hate the fact that we argue already so early in the new year. i don't like it at all. and then she goes and compares me to my dad? you don't compare me to him. i'm nothing like him in a mental and emotional sense. nothing like him. i don't steal from my family. i don't forget promises. i don't forget people. i don't hurt people and make them cry for endless days. i'm nothing like that.  sometimes i wish people would understand that everyone has feelings.


"There she goes, that crazy girl. She thinks she's something in this world."
-Lady Gaga


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