i'm simply a 16 year old girl trying to get somewhere in life. i've got quite a mind i've been told. i may not post as much as i'd like to but there's always something worth reading on here, guaranteed.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quite Forgetful, Aren't We? [011210&011310&011410]

well i haven't been keeping up to date with my blog..
not cool of me i know i know i know. but you see, my computer stopped working on the 12th. so that wasn't cool. //: the 12th was the worst day i've had a while. bullshit excuses and cold weather don't really mix with me. the 13th was a blur. and so was today. i guess cus i've been really tired lately. and cus my brother has been irritating me more than lately. and well, what can i say? i don't have much to say. juss hope the guys win the game tonight that's all. and we actually washed their clothes right today. hahaha. can't wait till this saturday though. that's what i'm lookin forward to. kysa's 16. :) oh btw, happy birthday kysa! i'ma have lots of fun at yerr party juss you wait and see. :D


"But how we move from A to B, it can't be up to me. Cus you don't know who I was before you."


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